Friday, November 6, 2009

Gucci to save rainforest

Fashion has become more ecology-conscious with Gucci’s desire to help save the rainforest.

The giant fashion conglomerate, which owns brands like Balenciaga, Yves Saint Laurent and Alexander McQueen, has teamed up with the Rainforest Action Network to stop using paper made of Indonesian rainforests and plantations.

Besides, they are going to avoid the suppliers Asia Pulp and Paper.

The change of climate is inevitable now but Gucci believe we can make it less notable and dangerous for the world and humanity.

Mimma Viglezio, executive vice president of global communications at the group, said:
"Standing rainforests are not a luxury, they’re a necessity if the world wants to stop climate change. Our actions are lowering our own carbon footprint, but we hope that they will also raise awareness inside the fashion industry that it’s possible for our industry to make a difference for rainforests and for the climate.”

Gucci is a respected company and this can convince other fashion makers to stop using paper from those forests. Bosses at the Rainforest Action Network welcome the fashion giant’s dedication to the cause and praise them for the hard work.

Forest campaign director Lafcadio Cortesi told
"The Gucci Group’s actions and commitments confirm its place as an industry leader. This move sets a bar for others in fashion and retail and demonstrates the foresight our society needs for our children and grandchildren to have standing rainforests and a stable climate.”

Hope other companies will soon join Gucci and help to save the earth. At JustVim, we try to go green too!

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