Sunday, February 21, 2010

JustVim's Notice!

Hi Ladies and gentlemen!

It’s a Beautiful New Year 2010 where the Fashion is rocking off the benches and the peeps are bright and chirpy! JustVim is revamping on a lot of things and will be having great discounts, competitions, contest, amazing prizes, delectable wardrobe changes and fantastic deals. Thank you for all the support you have given us!

Now we all know how many of us made New Year resolutions, new wish-lists and new-fangled aspirations. Some of us may get dejected by failing to achieve what we want in life, stuck between just who we are and who we want to be. Nothing is every easy, because if it was, it wouldn't mean anything. Well, don’t give up on your dreams so easily. Life is like a lollipop. It tastes better as you suck on it.

Just remember, do not ever let anyone tell you you’re not good enough, no. Not even yourself.

With all that, The JustVim Crew wishes one and all a merry year of the Tiger. Go forth and break new boundaries, challenge yourself and take chances! It will all work out in the end. So go get ‘em Tiger!



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