Saturday, May 9, 2009

CLOT x Kazuki x Levi’s 505 kzKLOT GOLD Series

With 2009 being the 5th anniversary for Hong Kong retailer JUICE, the boutique and its in-house label JUICE has been hard at work developing a series of big-time collaborations. Seen last month was that of the CLOT x Kazuki x Levi’s 505 kzKLOT SILVER Series denim which drew a massive reaction from the local Hong Kong scene. This month, a new version once again designed by fragment design’s Kazuki Kuraishi is set for unveiling. This time stepping it up with GOLD, the denim is a similar design with a distressed aesthetic. CLOT Royale silk has been omitted from the weft instead, it is placed beneath the distress points for a contrasting note. The denim will release on Friday, May 15th with queues for the raffle drawings beginning at 11:00 am. The suggested retail price is $4180HKD (approximately $539 USD).

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