Saturday, February 27, 2010

STRESSful Update @ JustVim!

Hi Ladies,

We want to talk about stress today. We believe everyone has stresses in their life, work, careers, family, love and friends. Relationships are what bind all of us together intricately, weaving our lives with each other’s with a gambit of issues.

Some of us may face lots of stress in their careers, work and jobs (depending on your perspective, different people like to call their profession differently). It is a very normal condition and it serves to motivate changes, good, positive improvements in all of us.
Others may face stress building up in their love relationships, domestic problems and with their pals or gals. When there are humans involved, there are bound to be conflicts of interests as it is the undying human condition to look out for their self-preservation and be opinionated. Take things in your stride and never let such pressures get you down.

Remember, the night is darkest just before dawn.
If life was meant to be so easy, it wouldn’t be so hard. We have to accept that and seek improvements to alleviate our stress levels. Take a deep breath and relax. Take things one by one and solve them one at a time. Nothing is undoable if you have the heart and mind to do so.

So press on! Like what JJ new song is titled “Jia You!”


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