Monday, December 7, 2009

The Twilight Saga: New Moon

JustVim Movie Review
Synopsis: In the second instalment of Stephenie Meyer’s TWILIGHT series, the romance between mortal and vampire soars to a new level as BELLA SWAN (Kristen Stewart) delves deeper into the mysteries of the supernatural world she yearns to become part of—only to find herself in greater peril than ever before. Following Bella’s ill-fated 18th birthday party, EDWARD CULLEN (Robert Pattinson) and his family abandon the town of Forks, Washington, in an effort to protect her from the dangers inherent in their world. As the heartbroken Bella sleepwalks through her senior year of high school, numb and alone, she discovers Edward’s image comes to her whenever she puts herself in jeopardy. Her desire to be with him at any cost leads her to take greater and greater risks. With the help of her childhood friend JACOB BLACK (Taylor Lautner), Bella refurbishes an old motorbike to carry her on her adventures. Bella’s frozen heart is gradually thawed by her budding relationship with Jacob, a member of the mysterious Quileute tribe, who has a supernatural secret of his own. When a chance encounter brings Bella face to face with a former nemesis, only the intervention of a pack of supernaturally large wolves saves her from a grisly fate, and the encounter makes it frighteningly clear that Bella is still in grave danger. In a race against the clock, Bella learns the secret of the Quileutes and Edward’s true motivation for leaving her. She also faces the prospect of a potentially deadly reunion with her beloved that is a far cry from the one she’d hoped for.
Now to add a little JustVim perspective into this show, Bella could go down in literature as one of the dullest, most self-obsessed geeks of all time. Pick a wolf, pick a vampire, pick someone in the animal kingdom, and get on with it, why whine for such extended periods of time and dabble your kisses, love and lust on another when your heart tells you otherwise?
The first film was tolerable but "New Moon" just needs to go away quickly for it is leaden with emotional disasters and soapy scenes.
For true Twilight believers, the slow moments are more opportunity to gaze at pretty-boy young men playing characters who're both the best and worst boyfriends a girl could ever have. I mean puppy love, muscular adrenaline-crazed wolf-boys, leaving your girl so abruptly and “I will never, EVER leave you Bella…” just don’t seem to go well does it?
However, if it makes things better, it was worth noting that the werewolves CGI effects were cool additions and the 30 seconds long fight scene between one of the Volturi’s Vampire with Edward was a good, but short feast for the eyes. With that said, JustVim believe that it would be better if there were more action injected into this film, as our heart was as cold and pale as Edward’s poor, limp body the whole show, less when Jacob took off his shirt to reveal his buff, hot bod (Ladies, feast your eyes!).
Despite the focus on young, shirtless werewolves and well coiffed vampires, the second instalment of Stephanie Meyer's immensely popular series comes off as a tepid adventure in Zombieland. It was a bore and heavy with emotional nonsense, with young actors who cannot fully relate these feelings to the audience, panting for more action.
Well, Chris Weitz did try to portray some really difficult scenes of love and lost hope, but neither the cast nor the flow could accurately bring it to light as it was, well, difficult. Perhaps Chris should really think twice before venturing into deep, spiritually-inclined, morally-emotional, raw human feelings, trust and intrigue between lovers, especially with a cast of young actors/actresses who having troubles with pubescent puppy love and ripped muscles.
Mostly keeps going by reels and reels of moping from Bella and Edward --- the two have more mood swings and changes of heart than the entire cast of Gone With the Wind. I mean, was it really necessary for the seasonal effect on Bella as she fades from autumn into winter sitting by the chair in her room as she contemplates about Edward or otherwise totally incomprehensible feelings the director failed to let us know?
The relational knots of emo heroes and dreamy hunks are making it start to feel rather soapy, pretentious and turning this whole saga into a lifeless, stale and ridiculous male strip-show with lots of passionate kissing intermittently weaved into the film to an unfortunately repetitive effect.Well, with all this said and done, who am I to quibble with a patently-preposterous, escapist fantasy which never takes itself seriously, yet somehow still resonates perfectly with the overly-sentimental, puppy love inclinations of passionate, prepubescent females?
The JustVim Crew says “watch it if your heartbroken and need a draggy, modern-day soap-opera Vampire film to get you down more, but don’t say we didn’t warn you, after looking at ripped werewolves and a boring script that lugs on for 122 mins, we believe your money could have been better spent at the clinic----getting a sleeping pill to have a good rest!”

The JustVim Crew
Passion for Fashion

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